YMCF Mentoring Program

Because, as less early researchers, we all know the impact that mentors have during our scientific career, the YoungMedchem Forum has decided to launch a mentoring program in 2022 as part of its early initiatives.

This programme has been shaped for Master and 1-year PhD students interested in medicinal chemistry to complete the excellent one of the EFMC-YSN for late PhD and Postdoc. The objectives are to guide their decisions by offering an early access to the information about medchem career in academia and industry, through face-to-face meetings.  


Malik (mentoré): "Chaque réunion avait un thème ce qui a permis de structurer les échanges. J'avais beaucoup de questions concernant le tissus industriel. De plus je me demandais si faire une thèse était pertinent, et Philippe à su bien m'expliquer les pours et les contres de chaque choix."

Philippe (mentor): "Il y a un réel besoin de compléter les formations par des expériences vécues et surtout de présenter une vision plus large que ce que les mentorés apprennent en Master."

Olivier (mentor): "Des créneaux de 30 minutes au minimum nous ont permis d'échanger efficacement."

Mentee : "J'ai vraiment apprécié de participer à ce programme. Je l’ai trouvé très enrichissant. Je n'avais encore jamais pu discuter avec un scientifique du secteur privé. Cela m'a confirmé dans mes objectifs de poursuite de carrière dans le privé. Je voulais remercier les organisateurs pour m'avoir donné une telle opportunité."

2023-2024 YMCF Mentoring Program Edition

The second edition of the YMCF Mentoring Program will be launched in November 2023 and will run until May 2024 !

As mentioned, the objective of this initiative is

  • To assist in the career orientation of young scientists with an interest in medicinal chemistry, such as non-scientific skills, career planning...


  • is a Master or PhD students (up to 1 year) interested in a medicinal chemistry career and intends to be the main actors of the program. 
  • is expected to be proactive, thus, to clearly identify her/his objectives before each meeting.
  • should positively accept challenges from the Mentor and to actively participate in defining her/his expectations with the Mentor.


  • is a profesionnal in either academia or industry-related medicinal chemistry.   
  • is expected to share his/her professional experience to the best of his/her ability to provide career coaching and skill development. 
  • should demonstrate an ability to listen and build trust that allows for a supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere.

Interested in joining this second edition ? Apply here